对297 份人工四倍体桑种质的叶质进行养蚕鉴定。结果表明:用四倍体桑的叶子养蚕,与对照区(用“沙2×伦109”(2n)叶子养蚕)相比,蚕食欲强、发育较快、龄期缩短、蚕体较大;使雌蚕全茧量比对照增产1% ~17.84% 的四倍体种质占参试种质的68.0% ,使茧层量增产1% ~14.88% 的占58.6% , 60% 的四倍体种质因全茧量提高而使茧层率有所降低。人工四倍体叶质与其父本、母本有关。绝大部分叶质优良的四倍体其叶片较浓绿。通过鉴定试验选拔出84 份叶质显著优良的四倍体种质。
The food value of leaves of artificially tetraploid mulberry (ATM) of 297 varieties was appraised in the silkworm rearing trial. The results showed that the larvae had a better appetite, fast growth and the short of larvae duration. The bodies of silkworms were fatter when being fed with the ATM leaves than being fed with the leaves of “Sha 2×Lun109” (2n, control). 68.0 % of ATMs in the trial could increase the cocoon weight by 1% to 17.84%,and 58.6% of ATMs could increase the cocoon shell weight by 1% to 14.88% ,comparing to the control. 60% of ATMs could drop down a little percentage of the cocoon shell because of the increment of cocoon weight.The food value of ATM leaves was relative to its paternal and maternal.Most the ATMs with the high food value had strong green leaves.84 varieties of ATMs in the trial had an excellent food value of leaf,some of which showed both good quality leaves and high yield.
Guangxi Sericulture