老年性黄斑变性(简称SMD)是50岁以上老年人低视力和盲目的主要原因之一。本病在我国日益受到重视,并从心理物理学和视觉电生理对SMD 视功能进行研究,为其早期诊断提供临床依据,及时预防治疗,推迟发病年限,防止老年人的盲目。随着电子计算机的兴起,自动视野计提高了眼科诊断水平,Humphrey 视野分析仪是一个多点静态定量的视野检查仪,可准确测试黄斑光阈值,已用于青光眼和SMD 的早期诊断。
The study was made into the short-term fluctuation (SF) of macular light threshold in104 Senile Macular Degeneration (SMD) and 65 nomals with the Humphrey Field Analyz-er.The results shows that the SF of patients with early SMD is substantially greater thanthat of normals (p=0.002).The SF of the wet form patients increases greater than that ofthe patients with dry form,the SF of patients with abnormal Amsler grid is greater than thatof the patients with normal Amsler grid,the increased of SF is related to the visual acu-ity.The authors also discuss the causes of the SF in normals and SMD,and suggest that theSF has inportant value in early diagnosis of SMD.