

High-Speed Analysis of Carbon and Sulphur in the Steel
摘要 采用高速自动引燃炉,自动燃样,由单片机,光电池,组合氧流量定位,自动控制滴定、吸收程序,联合测定碳硫,含量直读。单样测定时间仅需数分钟,测定准确度和精密度高,适用于各种钢铁中碳硫的分析。 This paper introduced a method of combination analysis of carbon and sulphur in the steel with the high-speed initiation furnace, automatic titration and absorption and automatic control of oxygen flow rate. The process of measurement may be completed during several seconds and the content of sample may be read directly.
作者 黄宝成
出处 《盐城工学院学报》 CAS 1999年第1期39-40,共2页
关键词 钢铁 高速分析 微机 程序控制 steel carbon sulphur high-speed analysis
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