上海医科大学眼耳鼻喉科医院与卫生部上海生物制品研究所共同研制的透明质酸纳(Sodium Hyaluronate SHA)在理化性质检测达标及动物实验合格的基础上,于1988年6月起应用于白内障囊外摘除同时置入后房型人工晶体、穿透性角膜移植、抗恶性青光眼、角膜穿孔伤修补以及虹膜根部断离修复等手术,共计308例314眼,至今观察两年多。现将300例306眼白内障囊外摘除同时置入后房型人工晶体应用透明质酸钠的长期随访结果报告如下。
The result of a follow-up observation on the use of home made sodium hyaluronate(SHA)in 300 cases of ECCE combined with posterior chamber lens implantation was report-ed.No complications due to infections or to SHA induced side effects of any sort after the op-eration were noted during more than 2 years observation period.The result of this studyleads to the conclusion that the home-made sodium hyaluronate is of good quality with highdegree transparency and good elasticity.It helps deepen the chamber and protect the cornealendothelium during the extraction and implantation precedures.It is nontoxic,nonirritativeand not infection-inducing.It is therefore safe and very useful in any types of anterior seg-ment operations.