目的 回顾讨论心包囊肿的影像学诊断。方法 我院自1996年—1998年间经手术和病理证实29例心包囊肿,男性19例,女性10例。凹例均作胸部X线检查,11例作CT检查,1例作MRI。结果 囊肿边缘光滑者X例,边缘稍模糊者7例,其中1例囊壁呈桔皮花纹钙化。16例囊肿位于右侧心膈角,6例位于左侧心膈角;3例位于中下纵隔,4例位于前中纵隔。结论 X线平片、CT、MRI是诊断心包囊肿的主要方法,尤其以CT、MRI对定位与确诊有很大意义。
Purpose To review the imaging diagnosis of pericardia! cyst. Methods There were 29 patients with pericardial cyst( 19 males and 10 fema!es)in the Shanghai Chest Hospital from 1966 to 1998. They were verified by operation and pathological examination. In 11 cases,computed tomography ( CT) were done, and one case with magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) . Results In 22 cases, the border of cysts was smooth, in 7 cases the outline was slightly blurred including one cyst with calcifization like orange - skin. In 16 cases cysts lay in right cardiodiaphragmatic angle, in 6 cases lay in left cardiodiaphragmatic angle, in 3 cases lay in mid - inferior mediastinum and in 4 cases lay in anterior - middle mediastinum. Conclusion X - ray, CT and MRI are important to diagnose the pericardia! cyst. CT and MRI are particularly useful in localization and diagnosis of pericardial cyst.
Shanghai Medical Imaging