叙述 P3软件在外高桥发电厂二期工程(2台900 MW 机组)项目中的工程协调会及进度计划的编制应用情况。P3软件应用于工程协调会,可以在屏幕上同步显示与该文字材料有关的某一分项的进度横道图,使开会人员一目了然,使会议开得直观、形象、清晰。由于 P3软件进度上挂接的具体数据。使原本一些比较难协调的接口工作,得以顺利解决,提高了会议的效率。实践证明,运用 P3软件进行进度计划的编制与控制,关键在于提高企业全体员工的素质。分析认为:运用 P3软件,能进一步促进企业内部的管理,在管理中推行标准化管理并做好组织工作,才能在有限的资源条件下,创造出更大的经济效益。
The condition of application of the P3 software to the project coordination meeting and compilation of the schedule plan of Waigaoqiao Power Plant Phase ~ project(2X 900 MW) was described. When P3 is used in the coordina tion meeting the schedule graph with horizontal lines of a certain item will be simultaneously displayed on the screen with the related literal information of the same item,making all persons present quickly acquainted with the on-going condition and the meeting goes on visually ,figuratively and precisely. Since much concrete information has been attached to tile P3 software schedule the interface work that was difficult to coordinate formerly can be solved easily now ,enhanc- ing the efficiency of the meeting. According to the experience gained through practice ,whether P3 software can be suc cessfully made use of in the compilation and control of the schedule depends on if the quality of the staff and worker as a whole can be enhanced. According to the result gained from analysis the usage of P3 will improve the internal manage ment of the enterprises. Greater economic gain can be obtained from the limited resources only when the standardized management is propagated and the organization work is improved further.
Shanghai Electric Power