
他汀对血脂正常者的心血管事件预防作用 被引量:5

The prophylactic effects of statins on cardiovascular events in patients with normal level of plasma lipids
摘要 冠心病一、二级预防研究显示 ,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇低于血脂指南治疗水平甚至正常者 ,他汀也能明显降低心血管危险性。其原因是 :指南中的“正常”水平并非生物学正常水平 ,仅是某人群的平均值 ;血脂成分是非常复杂的 ;他汀具有调脂外作用。 Primary and secondary prevention clinical trials have demonstrated that statins markedly reduced cardiovascular risks even in patients whose plasma level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is lower than that of drug-treatment goal in lipid management guidelines. The reasons are as follows: The 'normal' level in guidelines is not the normal level biologically, it is merely an average value in a given human group; The composition of plasma lipids is very complex; Statins have effects other than lipid modifying. Statins should be prescribed in patients without hyperlipidemia but with risk factors or coronary heart disease.
出处 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期1208-1211,共4页 Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
关键词 他汀 冠心病 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 血脂 statin coronary heart disease LDL-C lipid
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