概述了植物提取物行业的国内外现状 ,并比较和分析了美国市场上畅销的前 2 0位植物提取物的产品质量控制现状。对 6个提取物品种的分析表明 ,造成植物提取物质量水平差异的主要原因有两个 ,即提取物原料使用的品种差异和不同公司提取分离的工艺差异。目前我国植物提取物的质量控制水平与国外大公司相比还不够高 ,应以色谱技术及色谱指纹图谱技术为手段 ,快速提升我国植物提取物的质量控制水平。
The current situation of plant extract in domestic and international market was analyzed in the paper. The quality control of 20 plant extracts which have reasonably good sales in USA market was compared and analyzed. The analysis of the quality control of six plant extracts indicated that there were two main reasons leading to the varied quality specifications among different suppliers. One reason was that the plant species utilized by different companies were different. The other reason was that the extraction processes were different among different production plants. Comparing with the significant international suppliers of plant extracts, the product quality of Chinese companies were not satisfactory. It was suggested that chromatography and chromatographic fingerprint techniques should be applied to improve the quality control standard of plant extract in our country.
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica