
概念驱动测验中抑郁个体的心境一致性记忆研究 被引量:18

Mood Congruency Memory of Depressed People in Concept-driven Tests
摘要 目的 :探讨概念驱动测验中抑郁个体的心境一致性记忆效应。方法 :采用 2 (组别 )× 3(效价词 )× 2 (测验 )设计。 2 0名抑郁患者和 2 0名正常被试 ,先对情绪效价词作愉快不愉快评定 ;然后进行回忆测验与再认测验 ;最后实施SDS测试。用加工分离公式计算有意提取R和无意提取A。结果 :在再认测验上 ,词效价的主效应 ,组别与词效价的交互作用没有统计显著意义 ;抑郁个体负性效价词的无意识提取A明显高于正常组 ,其它均无显著差异。在回忆测验上 ,词效价的主效应 ,组别与词效价的交互作用十分明显 ;抑郁个体与正常组效价词的R与A存在明显差异。结论 :抑郁个体在概念驱动测验中的心境一致性记忆效应与认知加工有关。 Objective: To investigate mood congruency memory of depressed people in concept-driven process. Methods: The design is 2(group: depressive, control)×3(word valence: positive, neutral, negative)×2(test: recognition, recall). 20 depressed subjects and 20 normal people were required to assess the affective valence of words,and then recall as well recognition tests and finally SDS were administered. The PDP function was used to calculate the R and A. Results: The main effect for word valence and the group×word interaction effect was not significant in the recognition test, but was significant in the recall test. There was significantly higher score of A of recognition test in people with depression than in the normal group. There were significant differences in R and A of recall test between people with depression and the normal group.Conclusion: Mood congruency memory of depressed people in concept-driven tests may be associated with cognitive process.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2003年第4期245-248,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 抑郁 加工分离 概念驱动 心境一致性记忆 Depression the Process dissociation procure Concept-driven test Mood congruency memory
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