
农村中小学生自我概念调查及城乡差异比较 被引量:7

Present State of Self-concept of 1199 Rural Students and Differences between Rural and Urban Areas
摘要 Objective: To study the characteristics of self-concept among the primary and secondary students in the countryside. Methods:1199 students in the rural area aged from 10 to 17 years old were assessed by Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS).Results: (1) There were some differences in gender of self-concept,with girls higher than boys. (2) The comparison between urban and rural showed that the urban students had siginificantly higher self concept level than the rural students.(3)Significant grade differences were found. Conclusion:The self-concept development level between urban and rural students was different. Objective: To study the characteristics of self-concept among the primary and secondary students in the countryside. Methods:1199 students in the rural area aged from 10 to 17 years old were assessed by Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS).Results: (1) There were some differences in gender of self-concept,with girls higher than boys. (2) The comparison between urban and rural showed that the urban students had siginificantly higher self concept level than the rural students.(3)Significant grade differences were found. Conclusion:The self-concept development level between urban and rural students was different.
作者 王金道
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2003年第4期311-312,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 农村 中小学生 自我概念 调查 城乡差异 心理健康教育 Primary and middle school student Self-concept Rrural and urban difference
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