金融工程的产生源于对风险的规避 ,布雷顿“木头”体系的崩溃 ,金融资产价格波动幅度巨大 ,为规避金融市场的风险 ,以金融工具为核心的金融工程得到了极大的发展。随着我国加入WTO ,我国的金融市场面临巨大挑战 ,我们必须认清形势 ,充分运用好各种金融工具 ,为我国市场经济服务。
The financial engineering derives from evading of financial risk. Because of the breakdown of Brattain 'wood system' and the huge price fluctuating range of financial capital, financial engineering, which core is financial tools, gets great development in order to evade financial risk. With China's entry into WTO, domestic financial market faces the great challenges. So we must recognize the situations and make good use of the various financial tools to serve our market economy.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Social Sciences