研究了一种苎麻生物脱胶方法—厌氧微生物法。研究发现厌氧菌株脱胶的最适温度范围为30℃~35℃,最适pH为7 0;细菌浓度为3×109个·ml-1以上时,脱胶时间在3天以内;在回调苎麻脱胶菌液pH条件下,菌液的重复使用次数为2~4次。通过联合脱胶试验,原麻经碱煮后敲麻再进行生物发酵,脱胶效果较好,残胶率达3 45%;碱煮时间6小时的比4小时好;碱浓度7 5g·L-1与10g·L-1的处理效果则差异不大;先生物处理后化学处理与先化学处理后生物处理相比,前者有更好的效果,处理3天,残胶率为2 53%。
A method for ramie degumming by anaerobic microorganism was conducted. The optimum pH and temperature of degumming were 70 and 30℃~35℃, the degumming time was about 3 days when the numbers of bacteria above 3×109·mL-1 and the culture fluid could be used 2~4 times when pH was regulated to optimal value. Combining of microbial with the chemical method in ramie degumming shown the good results , and the rate of remained gum was 345%, the degumming of boiling with alkali for 6 hours was better than that for 4 hours, and there was little difference between the concentrations of alkali 75g·L-1 and 10g·L-1. Compared with the method the microbial treatment after the chemical treatment, the results of the microbial treatment before the chemical treatment was better, and the rate of remain gum was 253% after 3 days treatment.
China Biogas