目的 了解增龄变化对大鼠股骨上端BMP-2基因表达的影响,分析BMP-2基因表达与老年性骨质疏松发病的相互关系。方法 随机选取4,8,12,16及22月龄大鼠各3只,应用RT-PCR技术检测其股骨上端BMP-2的基因表达情况。结果4-8月龄的大鼠股骨上端:BMP-2基因表达逐渐升高;8-12月龄时进入平台期;12-16月龄时开始逐步下降。22月龄大鼠BMP-2基因表达较12月龄大鼠显著下降。结论BMP-2基因表达具有明显的年龄相关性,老龄时BMP-2基因表达明显降低可能是老年性骨质疏松发病的重要原因之一。
Objective To investigate the effectes of aging on gene expression of BMP-2 of proximal femur in rats and to analyse the corrlation between the gene expression of BMP-2 and senile osteoporotic pathogenesis. Methods Fifteen rats were divided into five groups according to their ages(4,8,12,16 and 22 months) .The gene expression of BMP-2 in the proximal part of the femur was assayed by RT-PCR techmique. Results The gene expression of BMP-2 increased gradually from 4-month-age to 8-month-age,entered plateau stage between 8-mongy-age and 12-month-age,then decreased graduclly from 12-month-age to 16-month-age,and declined markedly in 22-month-age, compared with 12-month-age. Conclusions Gene expression of BMP-2 is age-reslted, which may be one of important cauces of senile osteoporotic pathogenesis.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis