目的 探讨绝经年限与股骨近端BMD的关系。方法 随机调查沈阳地区285例健康的绝经后妇女,调查其年龄和绝经年限,测量其身高、体重、股骨近端骨密度(BMD),应用SPSS软件统计分析。结果 随绝经年限的增加股骨近端各部位BMD有下降的趋势,随绝经年限的增加股骨近端各部位BMD下降速度减慢,并且相对而言Neck、Ward’s区的BMD下降速度高于其他部位。以年龄和体重指数(BMI)为协变量,经协方差分析显示Ward’s区BMD与绝经年限具有显著相关,而其他部位无显著相关。结论 对绝经后妇女应注意绝经早期的股骨近端BMD变化。
Objective To investigate the relationship of years since menopause to the bone mineral density (BMD) of proximal femur in the postmenopausal women of Shenyang. Methods The age, and years since menopause were investigated, the height, weight and bone mineral density in proximal femur were measured in 285 healthy postmenopausal women of Shenyang. And the relationships of them were analyzed. Results BMD in different sites of proximal femur lowered with the years since menopause, at the early time BMD decreased faster, and the BMD in Neck and Ward's triangle decreased faster than the other sites. With age and BMI as covariates, general factoral analysis showed that the BMD in Ward' s triangle had a significant relation with years since menopause. Conclusions At the first four years after menopause, the measurement of BMD of proximal femur is more important for postmenopausal women.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis