目的 为甲状腺功能低下青少年骨皮质改变提供临床诊断依据。方法 对5-24岁甲状腺功能低下青少年69例骨皮质厚度进行测量,并与正常健康青少年300例按5岁一个年龄段比较分析。结果 甲状腺功能低下组与正常组比较,除5-9岁年龄段之女性无显著性差异外,其余均有显著性差异(P<0.05-0.01)甲状腺功能减低组69例中55例骨龄均在14岁以下。用其骨龄比较其男女组之间骨皮质改变无显著性差异。用甲状腺功能低下组骨龄分组与正常年龄组(骨龄与年龄一致)对比分析,两者骨皮质厚度无显著性差别(P<0.05)。结论 甲状腺功能低下者10岁后骨皮质改变是随着骨龄变化而变化。在同骨龄情况下与正常组相比较无明显骨皮质改变。正常组显示随着年龄的增加骨皮质渐增厚。
Objective To supply data for clinical diagnose for the bone cortical thickness changes in the hypothyroid youngsters. Methods This paper deals with the measmpent of 5-24 years of age normal and hypothy-roid bone cortical thickness, c ompares and analyses with a phase in 5 ages. Results CCT of all the hypothvroidism groups are lagged behind compared with the normal group of same age. (P < 0.05-0.01), except that 5-9 age phase of female group has no obvious change. 55 of 69 cases for hypothyroidism' s bone ages are wholly before 14 years old; there is no obvious difference affer the comparison between the bone ages of males and females in each group. Comparison between the hypothyroidism' s bone age in each group and the corresponding age group in the nomal group in CCT is no obvious difference. (P > 0.05) Conclusion CCT of hypothyroidism generally is in accordance with its bone age and that the change of hypothyroidism' s own CCT is not obviously lagged behind their own bone age.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis