通过有机溶剂/去污剂对血浆中指示病毒VSV灭活的观察评估有机溶剂/去污剂对脂包膜病毒死活的效果。血浆样品与VSV病毒按9:1混合,然后用1%TNBP/1% Triton X-100在30℃处理4h,测定开始样品中的病毒总量和S/D处理后不同时间取样内的病毒总量。实验中样品内加入1%TNBP/1% Triton X-10015min后VSV病毒已全部灭活,灭活效果≥6.0log。按所述S/D处理方法可以完全灭活血浆内所有的脂包膜病毒而没有主要血浆蛋白的损失。
The effect of the Solvent/Detergent for the inactivation of viruses was evaluated by addition of VSV marker viruse to plasma. Mixed plasma samples with VSV viruse at the rate of 9:1, then treated samples with 1 % TNBP and 1 % Triton X 100 at 30 1C for 4 hours. Determinations of the amounts of viruse in the starting sample and those samples in different times after S/D treated. A complete inactivation of more than 6.0 logs of VSV viruse was achieved within 15 minutes of exposures to 1% TNBP/I % Triton x 100 in this experiment. Lipid-enveloped viruses can be inactivated by the S/D procedure described in this study without critical reduction of recoveries of plasma proteins.
Journal of Microbiology