尽管随着二十世纪中叶“解释学转向”与“修辞学转向”的到来以及“后现代主义”思潮的广泛渗透 ,语义学与语用学成为当代哲学研究的核心 ,但是语形学作为其载体也愈来愈显示出其重要的地位。本文从 2 0世纪反实在论的角度对语形学的内涵、主题、原则、路径及其特征作了较为详细的探究 ,从而揭示了2 0世纪以来反实在论甚至整个科学哲学语言分析方法演变的历史进程。
Although semantics and pragmatics became the core of contemporary philosophical research with the arrival of hermeneutic turn and rhetoric turn and wide infiltration of postmodernism in the middle of the 20th century, syntax as their carrier demonstrated more and more important position. The dissertation makes a thorough inquiry for implication, subject, principle, route and feature of syntax starting from the 20th century anti-realism, and thus show the course of history, the trend orientation and the model of rational reconstruction of the evolution of anti-realist even the whole philosophy of science linguistic analytical method since the 20th century.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature