
企业的社会资本与技术创新——技术创新理论研究的新视野 被引量:28

Social Capital of Enterprises and Technological Innovation ──A New Perspective of Studying Technological Innovation Theory
摘要 随着知识全球化的不断深入 ,企业单靠内部资源来获取竞争优势已日趋困难。因此 ,企业竞争能力的大小取决于企业如何将内部资源与外部资源进行有效的整合 ,以此提高企业知识创造和技术创新的能力。而与外部企业的合作和联盟是建立在良好的社会资本的基础之上。本文在对国内外有关社会资本理论的发展进行回顾和分析的基础之上 ,将社会资本理论融入到技术创新理论中 ,试图为技术创新理论的“创新” With the ever-deepening globalization of knowledge, it is very difficult to gain competitive advantage only by internal resources for any enterprise. Any firm's competitiveness, therefore, will depend on how to effectively integrate its internal and external resources, and thus to enhance the capability of knowledge creation and technological innovation. The cooperation and alliance with other firms, however, is based on good social capital. This paper, by reviewing and analyzing some relevant theories of social capital across the world, integrating social capital theory into technological innovation theory, attempts to make a breakthrough to innovate the theory of technological innovation.
作者 张方华
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期55-61,共7页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
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