目的 :探讨婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏所致颅内出血的B超形态学改变的特点。方法 :对 4 3例婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏症的患儿进行了床边头颅B超检查 ,并对其结果进行了分析。结果 :头颅B超表现 :脑实质出血 1 6例 ,脑室内出血 8例 ,硬脑膜下腔出血 7例 ,蛛网膜下腔出血 6例 ,两处或两处以上 6例。 4 3例经CT检查或手术证实 ,其中有 2例脑室内出血合并蛛网膜下腔出血漏诊。结论
Objective: To determine B ultrasound morphological changes of intracranial hemorrhage in infant caused by late vitamin k deficiency Methods: cranial ultrasound by bed side was made on 43 infants with intracranial hemorrhage caused by vitamin k deficiency The result were analysed Results: Among all the cases, there were 16 cases with intracerebral hemorrhage, 8 cases with intraventricular hemorrhage, 7 cases with subdural hemorrhage and 6 cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage There were 6 cases with intracranial hemorrhage of more than two places All the cases were confirmed by CT or operation, except that 2 cases with intraventricular hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage were not diagnosed Conclusion: B ultrasound has a certain value in early diagnosis and prognosis estimation
Guangzhou Medical Journal