本文论述了机读书目数据标准化与规范化方面相关问题 ,编目工作只有严格遵循编目规则 ,遵循著录标准 ,才能提高书目数据乃至书目数据库的质量 ,从而为读者提供优质、高效的书目检索体系。有了标准 ,馆藏文献才有保障 ,读者检索才能方便 ,联机编目才能有保障。
The paper discussed some questions of the standardization about MARC data. The author emphasized that only when catalogers stand to the catalog codes and obey data processing rules, can the library ensure the quality of the data and the database, can the library offer readers a high quality and effective research system. And the standardization of MARC data is the base to the online catalogue.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture