上海 GDP年增长率与全市用电量的年增长率成正比 ,用电结构发生很大变化 ,人均用电量与人均负荷达到较高水平。根据上海电力市场需求的历史和现状 ,介绍了 2 0 0 6~ 2 0 1 0年及 2 0 2
The increase rate of GDP in Shanghai keeps a direct proportion with the increase rate of power consumption of the city. The power consumption structure of Shanghai has changed a lot. The power consumption per capita and the power load per capita have both reached to a relatively higher level. According to the history and current situation of power demand in Shanghai electric power market, the study results of power demand forecasting in Shanghai from 2006 to 2010 were introduced. The results can be considered as a guidance for compiling “Eleventh Five-Year” electric power development plan of Shanghai.
East China Electric Power