目的 提高穿刺肾囊肿的治疗效果。 方法 回顾性分析 12 95例肾囊肿患者行B超引导下经皮穿刺肾囊肿内注射复方铝溶液治疗的远期疗效。其中单纯性肾囊肿 114 2例 ,多发性肾囊肿 153例 ,共计 152 9个肾囊肿。 结果 12 95例随访 6个月 ,治愈率 85.4% (13 0 6/152 9) ,显效率 13 .0 % (199/152 9) ,总有效率 98.4%。随访 1年复发率 0 .75% (6/798) ,3年复发率 0 .92 % (5/546) ,5年复发率 1.72 % (3 /174) ,10年以上复发率为 1.41% (1/71)。穿刺术后 2周内患者腰部稍有胀痛不适 40例 (3 .10 % ) ,未出现感染、发热、腰部剧痛、头痛及头晕等。 结论 B超引导下穿刺肾囊肿 ,囊内灌注复方铝溶液治疗肾囊肿远期疗效好 ,患者易于接受。
ObjectiveTo evaluate percutaneous cyst in jection of aluminous mixture for renal cystic diseases.MethodsRetrospective analysis was made on 1295 cases of renal cystic diseases t reated by percutaneous cyst injection of aluminous mixture under guidance of ult rasound B.All together 1529 cysts including 1142 monocystic cysts and 153 polycy stic cysts were treated.ResultsAll the patients were f ollowed up for six months.The curative rate was 85.4%(1306/1529) and the markedl y improving rate 13.0 %(199/1529),the total effective rate was 98.4%.The lon g-term follow-up showed that reoccurence rates were 0.75%(6/798),0.92%(5/546), 1.72%(3/174) and 1.14%(1/71) in 1,3,5 and ten or more years respectively.3.1%(40 /1295) of the patients complained of lumber discomfort.No one had infection,feve r,sharp lumber pain or headache.ConclusionsCystic inje ction of aluminous mixture under the guidance of ultrasound B is a safe,feasible and effective method for the treatment of renal cystic diseases.
Chinese Journal of Urology