毛泽东运用马克思主义哲学对中国民主革命的历史经验作了总结。主要体现在三个方面 :总结历史经验要着重于内因的分析 ,关键是党的政治路线是否正确 ;总结政治路线上的经验 ,必须要提高到思想路线上去加以分析 ,从世界观和方法论的高度去解决问题 ;纠正错误的思想路线 ,必须要在全党进行系统的马克思主义哲学教育。
Mao ze dong summarized Chinese democratic revolution experience using Marxist philosophy mainly from manifest three aspects:1,summarizing historic experience should stress the analyzation of internal cause.2,summarizing political line's experience must improve to ideas line's analyzation.3,correcting wrong ideas line must proceed with education of Marxist philosophy.Mao ze dong's ideas provided example for us to sum up socialist's historic experience.
Journal of Anshan Normal University