The article reviewed 54 cases with off_pump normothermic coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) and explored its indication and surgical technique. OPCAB was performed on these 54 cases. Forty six cases received operation through middle sternotomy, 6 cases through left anterior minimal invasive thoracotomy and 2 cases through right anterior minimal invasive thoracotomy. Of all 54 cases, single_vessel diseases in 8, double_vessel diseases in 4, three_vessel diseases in 42 and left main stem diseases in 4. There were total 168 grafts in this group and an average of 3.17 grafts was performed on per patient. Left internal mammary artery (IMA) were used in 43 cases, right IMA in 2, and bilateral IMA in 9. Complete arterial myocardial revascularization (CAMR) was performed in 17 cases and radial artery was used in 7 cases. Emergent OPCAB was performed in 2 cases and 1 case combined with left ventricular aneurysm. The result was of no operative death. The average time of operation and tracheal incubation were 189 minutes and 55 hours respectively, blood transfusion was not required in 43 cases (81%). There was no perioperative myocardial infarction and all cases remained in good conditions after operation. Conclusion of OPCAB is minimal invasive surgery and can reduce the complication of cardiopulmonary bypass. In addition, it can reduce the volume of banked blood, shorten ICU stay time and decrease medical costs. OPCAB is a safe and feasible operation, especially for elder patients and those with heart, lung and renal dysfunction.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)