The features of the metal transer in different buried arc forms and the buried arc mechanism have aeen carefully investigated by observing the dinamic process taken by nac-16HD high speed camera in thick wire carbon-dioxide are welding. The types of the buried arc can be divided into three groups: half buried arc (the droplets of about the same size as wire diameter transfer to the pool) . critical buried arc (the droplets transfer to the pool in projected transfer form) and deep buried arc (the droplets transfer to the pool in projected and streeming transfer forms). The high current, low voltage, reverse polarity, oxidative shielding gas, thick wire are the essential conditions of formation of the buried are, the high current being the most important factor. After the arc has been buried, the arc column gas atmosphere is changed and the concentrated arc on the wire tip becomes a covered one, which makes the droplets size smaller and the droplet transfer form change. The appearance of weld is better and the welding process with low spatter is more stable when the arc is a critical one.
carbon dioxide welding
buried arc
droplet transfer