三期RCC围堰工程项目是确保三峡工程 2 0 0 3年蓄水、通航和发电目标按期实现的关键项目 ,也是右岸厂房坝段和右岸电站厂房等后续施工项目安全施工的保障。受施工通航、施工场地及工期条件等限制 ,三期RCC围堰的混凝土施工强度和上升高度均超过目前现有施工水平 ,针对这些难点开发出有效的处理工艺 。
The phase III RCC cofferdam construction belongs to the phase III di version works. It is a key item to ensure achievement of the reservoir impoundme nt, navigation and power generation in 2003 and the guarantee to the safety cons truction of the follow-up right-bank intake dam section and the powerhouse. Re st rained by navigation while construction, the construction site and duration, bo th the con creting in tensity and the rise height of the phase III RCC cofferdam exceed the current co nstruction level. In view of these difficulties, a huge amount of research work has been performed by relevant departments and is described in the paper.
Strategic Study of CAE