《华阳国志》是我国现存最早的地方志 ,它不仅记载有从远古至东晋穆帝永和三年 (347)今西南以及陕甘鄂部分地区古代史地、人物的丰富内容 ,而且在书中高扬起了“大一统”、“民本”、“旌昭仁贤”等旗帜。这源于作者东晋时著名史家常璩高远深邃的史识。常璩不仅在书中高扬“大一统”思想 ,而且还身体力行 ,为促使国家统一 ,作出了实际贡献 ;又在门第森严之际 ,倡扬“以民为本” ,呼吁“选贤任能”。这些无疑超越了时代的拘囿。《华阳国志》正是融汇了中华民族“大一统”的精神 ,蕴涵了中华民族“民生民本”、“选贤任能”的传统 ,而发出流光溢彩。
Hua Yang Guo Zhi is the earliest chronicles which records the ancient history,geography and historical figures of the parts of the Shan、Gan and Er of China from the remote antiquity to the third year of Mu emperor’s Yong He of East Jin dynasty(347).Furthermore, it advocated “unity”、“people being the root of a country、“appointing officers on their merits”and so on. That came from a distinguished historian during East-Jin dynasty,Chang Qu’s profound ideas. Chang Qu not only advocated the idea of“unity”,but also put into practice by himself, made great contributions to the unity of the country. He dared to pay great attention to the idea of “the people being the root of a country”,appealed for “appointing officers on their merits”. He surpassed the restrictions of his time. Records of Hua yang Kingdom just merges the Chinese nation’s spirit of “unity”,contains the Chinese nation’s tradition of “the people’s livelihood and the people being the root of a country”,“appointing officers on their merits”, so sheds rays of dazzling brilliance.
Journal of Historical Science