当今世界排坛 ,要求运动员具有良好的专项身体素质 ,反映专项素质的多指标中 ,笔者运用文献资料法 ,数理统计法和专家访谈法 ,选取了 5个代表指标 ,它们是 6m往返跑、抓举杠铃、体前屈负重、抓举 40kg 10次时间和立定跳摸高 ,并计算出各指标权重。它对运动员的科学选材和评价提供了一定的理论依据。
In modern volleyball the volleyball players shou ld have excellent specific body quality.In this paper the author used the method s of literature,mathematical statistics and investigation to select 5 pattern ta rgets from all specific body quality targets,which are 6m round run,snatch barbe ll,lift weigh before body,the time of snatching 40kgs barbell 10 times and rea ching the highest and calculated the weight of these targets.Its theoretical f oundation in assessment and talent selection of athletes.
Hubei Sports Science