在国家权力结构中 ,司法权是保障个人自由和权利的最重要力量。本文探讨了个人自由和权利司法保护最大化原则。作者首先分析了个人自由和权利司法保护的必要性 ,其次探讨了个人自由和权利司法保护最大化的重要性 ,最后提出了本文的结论。本文的结论是 :个人自由和权利司法保护的最大化原则 ,应当从目前所处的宪法基本原则的次级原则地位提升为宪法的基本原则。
Jurisdiction is the most important strength that to protect individual freedom and rights in the national power system.This paper deals mainly with the principle of the maximumprotection of jurisdiction for individual freedom and rights.First,the author analyses the necessity of jurisdictional protection for individual freedom and rights.Secondly,the author discusses the significance of the maximum protection of jurisdiction for individual freedom and rights.At last,the author comes to the conclusion.The conclusion of this paper is that the principle of the position of the maximum protection of jurisdiction for individual freedom and rights ought to be promoted from the principle that is lower than the basic principle in constitution to the basic principle in constitution. [
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law