死刑存废是一个永恒的话题 ,也是国际社会关注的焦点。虽然大部分国家和地区业已废止死刑 ,但中国死刑之存废不可盲目随外 ,而应立足于国情与现状 ,理性地审慎对待。当今之中国 ,主张立即废止死刑是不切实际的主观盲动主义 ;坚持保留并继续大量适用和执行死刑则是置国际舆论于不顾、自高自大的孤立态度。唯一切实、妥当之举是在存置死刑的基础上严格限制死刑立即执行 ,并逐步、尽快代之以死刑缓期执行 ,使之成为独立的刑种 。
Being an eternal theme and a focus, the capital punishment is having been abolished in most countries and territories. However, China should not blindly follow the trend of abolishing the death penalty internationally and widen its application. We must deal with it reasonably and carefully according to our country's circumstances. We can neither abolish the death penalty immediately nor reserve and apply it widely. The only pertinent way is to expand the application of death sentences with a suspension of execution, and even use it instead of the capital punishment gradually through making it an independent sort of criminal punishment to reach goal of abolishing the death penalty ultimately.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute