
唐代进士入仕的主要途径及特点 被引量:3

Principal Approaches Through Which Successful Candidates in the Highest Imperial Examinations in Tang Dynasty Became Officials and Characteristics of Such Approaches
摘要 唐代举子进士及第后,只是获取了入仕前的一种身份。若要得到官资,必须先通过关试,再由吏部铨选、制举、吏部科目选以及使府辟署等途径入仕。吏部铨选为通常仕进之路,制举和吏部科目选为快速仕进之道,使府辟署为回旋仕进之途。多种渠道选拔人才是唐代选官体制的基本特点,修业奋进跻身官场是唐代进士及第者的普遍心态,由此散发出的文化气息,影响着有唐一代的社会生活。 In Tang Dynasty, candidates for the imperial examinations who became successful in the highest imperial examinations obtained only one of the qualifications before they were promoted to official posts. If they wanted to be qualified enough to become officials, they had to pass the entrance examination before they were selected by the Board of Civil Office; also they had to pass examinations in subjects determined by the Board of Civil Office; furthermore, they had to pass final official tests before they were fully qualified enough to serve as officials. Successful candidates in the entrance examination normally assumed official posts after they were selected by the Board of Civil Office, which was the usual approach through which successful candidates became officials. If they came out successfully in the examinations in the subjects determined by the Board of Civil Office, they were appointed to be officials immediately, which was known as the rapid approach through they were promoted to official posts. The system for selection of officials in Tang Dynasty was characterized by multiple channels through which talents were selected. Studying hard so as to become officials was the common desire of successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations in Tang Dynasty. The cultural atmosphere resulting from this mentality exerted much influence on the social life in Tang Dynasty.
作者 俞钢
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第6期94-102,共9页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 唐代 进士 关试 吏部 铨选 使府辟署 Tang Dynasty, successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations became officials, selected as officials by the Board of Civil Office, official recommendation, selected as officials after candidates successfully passed the examinations
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