电力工业的发展需要电能计量仪表技术的进步与之相适应 ,发电、输电、配电和用电均需要对电能准确计量。电能计量装置的综合误差包括电能表误差、互感器综合误差和电压互感器二次回路压降误差。针对“低负荷时计量误差大”这一现实问题 ,以大量的实际数据为基础 ,从互感器、电能表和连线回路 3个方面 ,论述了低负荷条件下 3者对电力计量的影响 ,并给出了提高计量精度的方法和措施。
The Energy measuring technology must be speeded up to keep in step with the development of power industry. Electric energy generation, transmission, distribution and consumption need to be correctly measured. Because the composite error of measurement apparatus concludes meter error, transformer error and secondary circuit's voltage error. Based on lots of actual data, the influence of energy measuring on low load is illustrated from these three aspects. Then the method and the measure aiming to improve measurement accuracy are proposed.
Modern Electric Power