以南京铁合金厂土壤Cr污染为例 ,讨论了土壤重金属污染研究中区分背景含量与污染叠加含量的方法 .结果表明 ,运用Hazen概率格纸作图区分背景含量和污染叠加含量在土壤污染研究中是可行的 ,所得参数的环境意义是明确的 .与实际情况是符合的 .
Identification of the background content in environmental media from the concentration of the contaminant is a basic and important problem in the study of heavy metal pollution.There are no practice thinking clue and way to distinguish background content from the content of contaminant in the field of environmental science today.As a cese,Nanjing alloy factory was studied for its Cr background content in the soil polluted by Cr by means of Hazen probability gridding and the process how we carry the way through in practice is presented companioning with discussions in this paper.The results showed that Hazen probability gridding is useful in identifying the content of geological setting from contaminant.The parameters obtained from the means are significant for the explanation of the pollution situation in the study area.
Environmental Chemistry
国家自然科学基金 ( 49863 0 0 1 )资助项目