历史上的毛文龙多劣迹 ,但《辽海丹忠录》和《镇海春秋》两部小说的作者限于资料 ,认为毛文龙是被冤杀的 ,在小说中通过夸饰其功、虚构情节来歌颂毛文龙 ,把他塑造成一位忠、勇、智俱全的英雄人物。虽然小说违背了真实性原则 ,但从作者所凭有椐、出于公心来看 ,它们仍属于时事小说。
MAO Wen-long had many misdeeds in history, but the authors considered that he was been killed wrongly because of a lack of data in the Faithful Hero Guarding the Bohai Gulf and the Military history of Guarding the Bohai Gulf. The authors singed the praises of him by overstating credit and fabricating plot, portrayed him to be a heroic character having loyalty, bravery and wisdom. Although the novels violated the reality principle, they still belonged to the current events novels proceeding from the evidence and fairness.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
the Faithful Hero Guarding the Bohai Gulf
the Military History of Guarding the Bohai Gulf
the current events novels
MAO Wen-long