Cultivation of fast growing tree species which has a high demand for nutrientsin soil tends to lead to the decrease of soil fertility. Early in the initial period of 19th centu-ry, attention had been paid to the soil fertility in plantations. In early period inEurope, and in recent years in New Zealand, Australia and areas of Chinese fir For-ests in South China, decrease of soil fertility in monocultured plantations were and arerepeatedly reported. The causes are consumption of soil fertility by trees, theinadaptability of edaphic conditions and the improper forest management measures. Inthis paper an analysis is emphatically made of the effects on soil fertility of cycle of rota-tion, form of utilization of the felled trees, way in cleaning the slashes and ground veg-etation, management measures such as farming practice site preparation, nitrogen fix-ing plants and plants adding fertility to soils. In order to stabilize the level of soilfertility, in addition to observing the rule of suitable tree species for suitable sites, andavoiding concentrated planting of the same tree species in large areas, care should betaken in handling the following problems: (1) relative prolongation of the cycle of rota-tion, which is better to be longer than the quantitative maturity. (2) In felling, onlythe trunk is used, and utilization of the whole tree is harmful. (3) Burning of slashesand ground vegetation often leads to great loss of nutrients to soil. (4) High intensity ofsite preparation and tilling is unfavorable to the preservation of organic matter and nitro-gen, though it may be conductive to the growth of young stands for the time being. (5) Attention should be paid to cultivating nitrogen-fixing plants and plants addingfertility to soils, which can contribute greatly to the increase of soil fertility.
World Forestry Research