
国外木材防腐现状、发展趋势及我国的对策 被引量:3

Status and Trend of Wood Preservation in Foreign Countries and Wood Preservation Measures in China
摘要 世界各国普遍重视木材防腐工作.70年代以来,发展中国家的木材防腐发展迅速.当今世界木材防腐的发展趋势为:防腐品种趋向多样化,保护剂向高效、低毒或无毒的方向发展,处理技术不断提高.我国的木材防腐数量小、品种少、差距大.作者提出了发展我国木材防腐的对策。 Wood preservation can prolong the service life of wood, guarantee a sparinguse of timber and obtain significant economic and social benefits. (1) All countries inthe world make a high estimate of wood preservation. (2) Kinds of preservatives tendto become diversified along with the expansion of the scope of their application. (3)The development trend is placing emphasis on high effect, low residue. no residue andno pollution. (4) Advantage of modern science and technology is taken of touninterruptedly improve the preserving technique and to help it attain the objective ofautomation. Wood preservation in China started in 1950s. Much progress has been madein the past forty years, but the quantity of wood preserved is only 1% of the yield. Notonly the quantity of wood preserved is very small, but the kind of preservatives used isalso less in number. For these reasons, the author gives points in recommendation forthe future development of wood preservation in China. (1) Give a full play to thepotentiality of the existing production equipments (large, medium and small types)(2) Strengthen the organization and leadership. It is better for the wood preservationto be under the unified supervision and control of the State Planning Commission. (3)Leaders at all levels should pay more attention to the importance of woodpreservation. Regulations and technical specifications concerning wood preservationshould be laid down by government, and be put into effect under the supervision of gov-ernment. Wood preservation should be centrally managed by the departments of woodpreservation and wood supply, who supply the users with well preserved wood. (4)Government should adopt a preferential and economically incentive policy for wood pres-ervation. For example, wood preservation charges are allowed to be added to the pro-duction cost. (5) Set up 'a Society of Wood Preservation Workers' to boost the devel-opment of wood preservation. (6) Strengthen thc researches on the technique of woodpreservation.
作者 周明
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第1期82-88,共7页 World Forestry Research
关键词 木材 防腐 防腐剂
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