Japan occupies a leading position in the field of biotechnology, expecially inthe field of cytologica1 engineering and microorganism engineering in the world today.The biotechnological researches are undertaken mainly by government research units,civil enterprises and universities. The research units under government are the leadingbody, with the scientific force of civil enterprises as major element, while some univer-sities are askcd to participate in the researches. Emphasis is placed on enhancing thc basicresearch, encouraging civil institues to be engaged in biotechnological exploitation andon strengthening international cooperation. Fruitful researches have been accomplishedin the crown gall resistant poplar breeding through gene engineering, high quality pulpspecies breeding, protoplasmic fusion of woody plants, tissue culture of the importanttree species for afforestation such as Paulownia sp., Betula sp and Larix sp., and thebiological conversion of wastes of forest products and residues of farm crops through in-dustrial fermentation. The author makes three recommendations concerning thebiotechnological development in forestry in China: (1) emphasis on enhancing the ba-sic research on biotechnology in forestry, expecially on the gene background of forestbiogenetics, the mechanism of gene expression and regulation, and researches oncytobiology; (2) promoting the developemnt of gene engineering and the enzyme engi-neering in the field of microorganism research by taking advantage of the superiority intissue culture and haploid breeding in China; (3) giving full play to the potentialities ofhigher educational institutions in researches on the biotechnology in forestry.
World Forestry Research