

Working Plan and Silvicultural Supervision
摘要 日本的施业案具有执行国家林业方针政策,落实近远期全国森林计划,对全国森林经营进行监督的职能.我国要实现森林经营方案这一已经法定的职能,需要完善各种法规制度,建立森林计划体系和确立森林经理工作在整个林业生产过程中的统治地位. An analysis is made of the comparability of two pairs of forest terms: forestsupervision and forest management, working plan and plan or forest managegement.Generally, methods of silvicultural supervision in the world may fall into four types:direct management by government, management measures prescribed by government,reporting to government for forest management and supervision of working plan by gov- ernment. Two systems of silvicultural supervision were ever implemented in Japan. Onewas the system of supervision of working plan in 1939~1948, and the other is the cur-rent system of general management measures prescribed by government, enbodied inforest planning system and gradually improved from 1951 to 1968. These two methods offorest supervision reflect the conceptions of naional supervision and control of forestmanagement activities under different ownerships throughout the country, consideredin respect or the whole situation and the long term interests. Working plans (includingregional forest planning and regional working schedule) are only a means in realizingthe supervision. In 1940s, working plan was first introduced into China, but was neverused as a means of supervision and control of the nation-wide forest management untilthe promulgation of the Forest Law in 1984. Now, the plan of forest management isone of the two means of silvicultural supervision laid down in the Forest Law in China. Itis suggested that the perfection of all regulations and systems concerned, developmentof forest planning system and the predominant role played by forest management in thecourse or whole forest production are quite necessary to the expression of functions ofthe plan of forest management.
作者 于璞和
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第3期76-80,共5页 World Forestry Research
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