This article describes a modern forest management system-management byobjective which has been adopted in the Western European countries such as Austria andGermany. Its characteristics are: objective trees are selected for culture in the first thin-ning; stand improvement and intermediate felling in all management activities are de-termined in accordance with the growth and development of the objective trees and theimpact of surrounding trees on them during the growing period. The main steps involvedin the system are: objective is set on basis of the requirement and specification or woodproduct and the bioiogical characteristies of tree growth; suitable stands in whichenough objective trees can be found are selected.Objective trees are chosen on the follow-ing principles: trees are predominant in the stands with vigorous growth and intactstem, without big branches and are evenly distributed in the stands with a H / D valuebelow 80. The principal mode of intermeidate felling is thinning by interpretation.
World Forestry Research