In recent decade, along with the development of active carbon industry andthe demand of environmental pollination management, all sorts of active carbons havebeen produced by more than 40 countries in the world, with an annual output of about0.5-0.75 million ton. In 1989, the output of 7 big factorics in USA was about 140,000,that of 14 big factories in Europe about 100,000t, and that of 16 big factories in Japanabout 700,000 t. Ralative large scale production was also carried out by factories in theformer USSR, East Europe and Southeast Asia. This paper gives an account of activecarbon production in foreign countries with emphasis on the raw materials, method ofmanufacture, equipments, new types of active carbons, their utilization and the tech-nology of regeneration. A description is also given of the domestical production and utili-zation of active carbon and a review is made of the dynamic situation in active carbonmarket both at home and abroad. The recommendations made by the author on thedomestical development are as follows: enhancing the leadership in the active carbon in-dustry, carrying out macro-control with attention focused on the technological im-provement, increase of types of production, and improvement of product quality;updating the productive technology of enterprises, promoting management level, en-larging the scope of utilization, especially the utilization in the field of environmentalprotection; managing to expand the export volume, and seeking a solution of theproblem of active carbon production and the unified control of foreign trade and export.
World Forestry Research