采用等离子体质谱 (ICP -MS)技术 ,测定了 1 982— 2 0 0 1年广东省电白县大放鸡岛 (1 1 1°1 1′E、2 1°2 1′N)滨珊瑚中的Pb、Cd、Cu、Co、Cr、Mn、Ni、Zn重金属元素的含量。结果表明 ,珊瑚中有高的Ni和Zn含量的平均值 ,且在 1 990和 2 0 0 1年Zn的含量高出平均值 1 8和 2 3倍 ;1 997和1 998年 ,Pb的含量高出平均值 3 .5和 2 .3倍 ;1 987年Cu的含量高出平均值 1 5倍。这表明珊瑚样品在上述的年段内受到了Zn、Ni、Pb和Cu较显著的污染。其他重金属元素未构成明显的影响。此外 ,还用多元统计分析的方法 ,探讨了重金属含量的年际变化率与气候环境和经济环境指标的相关性 。
The heavy metal(Pb,Cd,Cu,Co,Cr,Mn,Ni,and Zn)contents from 1982 to 2001 in the Porites lutea coral from Dafangji Island waters,Dianbai County,Guangdong Province have been determined using the VG PQ3 ICP MS equipment.The content of Pb ranges from 0 75 to 7 24 μg/g with the average of 1 62 μg/g,that of Cd from 0 054 to 0 25 μg/g with the average of 0 097 μg/g,that of Cu from 2 82 to 29 7 μg/g with the average of 11 7 μg/g,that of Co from 0 63 to 1 03 μg/g with the average of 0 9 μg/g,that of Cr from 0 53 to 1 7 μg/g with the average of 1 08 μg/g,that of Mn from 2 76 to 6 85 μg/g with the average of 4 27 μg/g,that of Ni from 7 95 to 15 1 μg/g with the average of 9 5 μg/g and that of Zn from 4 2 to 55 1 μg/g with the average of 16 9 μg/g.The above mentioned data show that the Ni and Zn averages have high values compared with those of the Ximao coral and the Nansha reef coral.The Zn contents in 1990 and 2001,the Pb contents in 1997 and 1998,and the Cu contents in 1987 were 1 8~2 3,2 3~3 5 and 1 5 times higher than their own averages,respectively.This means that the P.lutea coral in the Dafangji Island water suffered from obvious contamination from the Zn,Pb,Cu and Ni elements in certain years,which must be paid attention to.Other heavy metal contents did not have so evident influences on the coral life. In addition,the multivariant correlative analysis reveals that there are similarities and differences among the heavy metal elements and there are also positive and negative correlations among the heavy metal contents,the climatic environmental factors(such as air temperature AT,sea surface temperature SST,and sunshine irradiation IR) and the economic environmental factors(such as industrial agricultural production IAD and GDP)
Marine Geology Letters
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19990 4 34)
国家科技部基础研究重大项目 (2 0 0 1CCB0 0 10 0 )
国家自然科学基金项目 (4 0 176 0 31)
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX2SW 118
KZCX3 SW 12 0 )
黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放基金项目(SKLLQG0 32
Porites lutea
heavy mental contents
correlative analysis
Dafangji Island of Guangdong Province