本文论述了中国现代文学与民间文化形态间的关系 ,在已有研究成果的基础上 ,从文学史的角度 ,确立了“民间”概念的基本内涵 ,提出中国现代文学中存在的三种主要民间理念 ,即启蒙文化视角下的民间观 ,与政治意识形态密切相关的民间观 ,从民间立场理解“民间”的民间观。这三种民间理念在不同历史情境和不同作家创作中又有不同的表现。中国现代作家走向“民间”有着不可忽略的价值意义 :一是丰富了文学创作主体的精神、情感 ,带来富有本土内涵的个性化艺术世界 ;二是意识到“民间”是新文学生成、发展的重要的精神资源和审美资源 ;三是为知识分子精神提供了现实的文化土壤和发展的多种可能性。
Minjian' is a Chinese term covering the English expressions “popular,” “non-governmental,” or “folk.” Its role in modern Chinese literature can be seen from three dimensions: “enlightenment” culture, political ideology, and “folk” itself. These three manifest themselves differently in different historical contexts, and with different writers. Minjian culture offers resources to modern Chinese writers that are not to be overlooked. It enriches them both intellectually and emotionally and creates a localized and individualized artistic world; it provides important intellectual and aesthetic resources for the formation and development of new literature; and it provides practical cultural basis for the spirit of intellectuals and various possibilities for development.
Social Sciences in China