机器人视觉伺服系统的研究是机器人领域中的重要内容之一,其研究成果可以直接用于机器人自动避障、轨线跟踪和运动目标跟踪等问题中。分析了基于图像雅克比矩阵的机器人视觉伺服方法的基本原理,通过创建子系统(Sub-system)使得Matlab和Simulink有机结合,基于机器人Matlab仿真工具箱(Robotics Toolbox for Matlab)实现了六自由度Motoman-SV3工业机器人图像反馈视觉伺服系统的Simulink模型。采用该模型进行了机器人跟踪三维空间螺旋运动目标的仿真实验,结果验证了该方法的有效性。
Robotic visual system is one of the most important subjects in the field of robot, its research findings can be directly applied to robot obstacle avoiding, trajectory tracking and moving object tracking, etc. In this paper, the principle for robot visual servo system based on image Jacobian is analyzed and the Matlab functions for the robot control and the Simulink models are integrated organically by building sub-systems. The Simulink scheme for a six DOFs Motoman-SV3 industrial robot visual servo system based on the image feedback is built with the robotics toolbox for Matlab. The simulation experiment for Motoman-SV3 robot tracking a target in the 3D space with a spiral trajectory is carried out based on the scheme. Simulation results show the validity of the scheme.
Journal of System Simulation