《红楼梦》打破传统的思想和写法 ,其思想内容与艺术价值 ,鲁迅都给以高度评价。然而 ,人们并未能完全理解鲁迅在红学领域提出的美学思想的真谛。鲁迅在阅审《红楼梦》最早的话剧本《绛洞花主》后 ,撰有著名的《小引》 ,提出“《红楼梦》的神情”这一命题 ,亦未引起红学界的重视。《红楼梦》的神情 ,包括《红楼梦》情节结构主线、主题思想、人物形象塑造。这些都是研究《红楼梦》原著的主要课题 ,却历来存在纠缠不清的问题。鲁迅作《小引》的《绛洞花主》剧本 ,是我们探索《红楼梦》神情的珍贵史料 ;通过鲁迅指明的“神情依然具在”这座桥梁 ,比较研究、对照探索 ,势必得以揭示出鲁迅体味到的《红楼梦》的“奥秘”。
The Story of the Red Mansions has made a breakthrough in the traditional thinking and writing. Mr. Lu xun spoke highly of it for its rich thoughts and artistic value. But Mr. Lu's novel idea of esthetics in the study of Redology has not been fully understood. Lu put forth his insight on the theme of The Story of Red Mansions in his famous Prelude , after he went through the earliest playwright of The Story of the Red Mansions . But it failed to attract literature circle at that time. The theme of the story includes the constructing pattern of its plots, main thoughts, and image creating of characters. Those important topics in the study of Redology have remained much unclear even today. So Lu's Prelude is a real treasured document for us to under the Story of the Red Mansion , by which the real theme of the story can be disclosed.
Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
The Story of the Red Mansions
Flower Prince of Jiangdong