格网技术作为新一代的 Web技术 ,必将深刻影响地理信息系统的发展。格网计算为数据密集型空间分析提供了计算资源支持。数据格网为海量空间数据分布式存储、管理、传输、分析提供了一体化的解决方法。格网技术为 VRGIS实时场景渲染和海量场景数据存储以及 GIS互操作问题的解决提供了一种新的思路。利用格网中的智能体组件动态组装应用软件将对 GIS应用开发方式产生重大影响。
The Grid refers to an computer network infrastructure that enables the geographical distributed computing resource,storage resource,network resource,software resource,data resource,information resource… etc, to be integrated into a logistic one. Grid technology as a new generational Web technology,will deeply influence the development of Geographic Information System(GIS), especially on Web based large scale GIS,which is the key component of digital city .The infl uence is fully analyzed from six respects in this paper,and some conclusion are listed in this paper. Grid computing technology provides powerful computing resource support for data intensive spatial analyses,which is the key function of GIS, especially in GIS based simulation fields,such as urban transportation sim ulation and atmospheric pollution simulation. Data Grid technology provides integ rated solution for the storage,analyses,management,movement of large scale spatial data,and Spatial Data Grid(SDG) is the most powerful style of National Spatal Data Infrastructure(NSDI). Grid technology also provides a new method for real time scene rending and large scale scene data storage in Virtual Reality Geograp hic Information System(VRGIS),which is very promising in Virtual Geographic Envi ronment(VGE) construction. VRGIS can be used in fields such as martial flight si mulation and virtual city So Grid technology will speed the multi dimension tre n d of the development of geographic information system.With Grid technology,we ca n solve the interoperability problem more easily,which includes data interoperab ility problem,semantic interoperability problem and system interoperability prob lem. The software development model by using agent components that quarter at gr id node to build up applicatonal software danamicly in large scale geographic i n formation system domain will deeply influence the menthod of geographic informat ion system applicatonal software development. Finally,we advice to boost the dev elopment of the geographic information system industry by building up National S patial Information Grid(NSIG),which is the most important part of digital city. All in all, Grid can provide integrated geographic information application and/o r services for geographical distributed users at different organizations as if i t were a super WebGIS.
Geo-information Science
Geographic Information System, Grid computing, Data grid, GIS interoperability,Spatial information grid