遥感分类数据矢量化建库是生态环境遥感制图及其应用分析过程中主要的处理内容和基础工作。以福建省海岸带生态环境遥感分类数据为例 ,在分析遥感图像处理系统对遥感分类和专题信息提取后处理中矢量化能力不足和结果存在严重缺陷的基础上 ,综合应用遥感和地理信息基础软件平台 ,提供的系列数据管理、分析和数据转换功能模块 ,开展基于生态环境遥感影像分类数据的矢量化建库技术探讨 ,提出一个生态环境遥感分类数据矢量化建库的通用技术方法和流程 ,并对矢量化结果做了一个简要的评价和分析 ,以满足大面积生态环境遥感调查。
Raster to vector conversion from remotely sensed classified images is pre re quisite and kernel processing for ecological environmental mapping and its applied spatial analysis In this paper, the deficiency and limitations of procedures and their resulting land cover/land use data,associated with conversion to vector coverage database from remotely sensed classified images fore ecological environmental mapping, were explored in detail at first These procedures were qualified as ready to wear or pis aller, which applied built in function modules within some remote sensing processing and analysis systems, such as ERDAS,PCI Then a new universal approach to raster to vector conversion from remotely sensed classified images for ecological environmental mapping was delineated based on the paradigm of combining remote sensing processing & analysis systems (such as ER Mapper) with GIS (ArcGIS, for example), and its processing flowchart also presented using an pilot TM classified image in the coast zone of Fujian Province The classified images were labeled as 13 types of land cover/land use by automatic statistic classification and manually on screen digitalized in the form of ecological environmental investigation and dynamic evolution monitoring Finally, the accuracy evaluation of conversion was made through a transfer matrix between original classified images and vector to raster re converted images, and it turned out that the ratio of keeping to original land cover/land use type came up to 94 63% within the global classified image
Geo-information Science
国家 8 63计划课题"中国海岸带及近海卫星遥感综合应用系统技术" (编号 :2 0 0 1AA63 3 0 10 )
福建省重大科技计划"福建省海岸带环境调控及决策支持系统" (编号 :闽科计 [2 0 0 0 ] H0 0 3 )
Ecological environment,Remotely sensing classification,Land c over/land use,Raster to vector conversion,Accuracy evaluation