特色图书馆不属于公共图书馆 ,也不是专业图书馆 ,更不同于图书馆的特色化。它相对于普通图书馆而存在。特色图书馆具有特色馆藏资源、特色服务对象、特色服务方式、特色资源共享及政府、社会、企业、私人等独立或联合运作的办馆模式等特征。特色图书馆是全面收藏某一学科 (主题或领域 )的知识信息 ,为特定用户群提供特定服务的图书馆。
The characteristic library does not belong to the public library or the special library, and differs from the library's special features also. But it coexists with the common library.The characteristic library has the characteristic collection, service objects, service method and resources shares, and operate in independence or consociation mode by the government, society, business enterprise, private etc.The characteristic library is the library that completely collects and keeps the knowledge and information in special course (topic or realm), and provides the particular service for particular customers.
Library Development