针对期刊界盛行的所谓“核心期刊”现象进行了剖析 ,认为这种现象之所以盛行 ,最根本原因是缺乏科学的学术评价和期刊评价机制及体系 ,当然也与有些科研管理、职称评审部门种种简单化的、从某种意义上说也是不负责任的学术评价做法密切相关。主张办学报不能跟着“核心”转 ,而应在办出特色方面下功夫、做文章。
The writer points out that the key cause for the prevailing 'core journal' phenomenon is the lack of scientific system of academic evaluation and also the too-simple and irresponsible methods used for the academic evaluation by those scientific research administrations and the departments controlling the post title evaluation. He calls out not to revolve around the 'Core' but to make efforts in creating own characteristics in running academic journals.
Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management