海顿为古典主义器乐创作确立了“鲜明的民族特色 ,深刻的哲理性与完美匀称的艺术形式相结合"的基本原则 ;为交响乐 ,弦乐四重奏确立了四个乐章的组合原则 ;为各种声乐、器乐体裁的创作进行了艰苦卓绝的探索 ;为管弦乐队的编制组合进行了改革并确立了完整的交响乐队配器原则 ,为近现代交响乐的发展奠定了基础。他突破了以前作曲家把声乐体裁用来体现构思的局限 ,而把器乐体裁第一次带入纯世俗的艺术领域 ,作为作曲家用来体现哲理思想的载体。海顿堪称维也纳古典乐派的奠基者。
Breaking trough the confinement to vocal music forms by previous composers,Haydn first brought instrumental designs into the secular artistic field as a carrier to embody philosophical thoughts and social issues.He composed plenty of symphonies,string quartets,oratorios,sonatas.Some of his representative works,along with the works of Beethoven and Mazart,comprised the classics of Vienna classical music.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)