怎样才能做大做强保安服务业 ?笔者认为 :1 牢固树立加快保安服务业发展的观念 ;2 逐步放宽保安市场的准入条件 ;3 大力扶持保安服务业的发展 ;4 积极推进保安服务业职业化、规范化建设 ,建立现代保安企业制度 ;5 加强保安从业人员的教育培训 ;6 切实加强对保安服务业的监督管理 ;7 建立健全保安协会。
How to enlarge and develop the security business, the author believes the following points are to be considered: setting up the idea of speeding the business; releasing gradually the entry conditions; giving aids to the business; making the business professional, normalize and creating modern security enterprises system; strengthening the training and education of the staff; improving the surveillance to the business; founding a healthy and good association.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College